With the 4th of July comes food, fun, and (of course) fireworks. We’re very much looking forward to the festivities and we’re sure you are too! However, keep in mind these basic safety precautions when handling fireworks, especially around children:

• Always have an adult supervise fireworks activities with children—even with sparklers. Many adults don’t realize that sparklers can burn at about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which can even melt some metals.
• Never attempt to re-light “duds.” If your first attempt at igniting a firework fails, douse the device with water to ensure that it won’t have a late detonation while you’re recovering it.
• Keep water or a garden hose nearby when lighting fireworks in case of an emergency.
• Never buy or use fireworks intended for professional use at home.
• Never ignite fireworks encased in a metal or glass container—these types of containers can burst and discharge dangerous fragments.

We hope you have a happy and healthy Independence Day!


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